Marian Moser Jones & Matilda Saines (2019) poignantly discuss the role of African American nurses during the 1918-1919 Great Flu Pandemic. Jones & Saines note that the pandemic was the impetus for “opening doors.” They conclude their article by stating — “opportunities created by a public health crisis may translate to lasting gains for members of marginalized groups” (Jones & Saines, 2019).
One hundred years later and we are all faced with another pandemic. Today, it is called COVID-19, and in many ways it brings the same challenges that were faced by our grandparents and great grandparents. We have extensive technology, but our most powerful tool continues to be our human spirit and will to endure. As case managers, we will continue to experience and face new challenges that will allow us to demonstrate our professional commitment and passion to help our neighbors and global community.
The silence in our neighborhoods gives us time for reflection. As I think about my presidency, I am so thankful and grateful for the opportunity to serve the Case Management Society of America (CMSA). We all should be proud of our work in building bridges that are inclusive, collaborative and engaging. Our professional association is known for our innovative approaches of building evidence-based practice that advocate for underserved and vulnerable populations. We are blessed to have the dedicated staff of Fraser Imagineers to help us build a resilient organization.
CMSA’s strategic vision that “Case managers are recognized experts and vital participants in the care coordination team who empower people to understand and access quality, efficient healthcare” provides us with direction for future growth. We will continue to invest in ways that assist you as a case management professional in building your practice. We will continue to advocate for our members and the individuals we serve.
CMSA is a leading voice in transformative change. We are well positioned to provide exceptional professional development, advocacy and networking opportunities. As a member of CMSA, we count on you to provide input, and most importantly, hear about potential solutions during these chaotic and disruptive times. Today, more than ever, we need to think “outside the box.”
I am excited to be a member of CMSA, and I look forward to working with our incoming president, Melanie Prince. She brings a unique perspective and energizing leadership to our organization! Although we all will face many challenges, I am hopeful for a bright future that builds upon our strengths. Stay healthy, safe and strong.
Jones, M. M., & Saines, M. (2019). The Eighteen of 1918 — 1919: Black Nurses and the Great Flu Pandemic in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 109(6), 877 — 884.