Does your case management team feel stressed? Isolated? Not effective? Overworked? Fatigued? Underappreciated?
Showing your team that they are valued and respected in this difficult and uncertain time will increase the team’s resilience and decrease the negative impact of these unprecedented challenges.
Here are some tips for strengthening your team:
- Facilitate a safe environment so team members can share concerns, questions, ideas.
- Acknowledge and praise all team member contributions/successes.
- Share success stories.
- Encourage questions.
- Be a good listener.
- Encourage feedback/input from all team members.
- Be empathetic.
- Have regular huddles/debriefings with all team members.
- Be transparent, open, and honest.
- Recognize that everyone is learning new equipment/ways to do things in this “new normal” environment.
- Be sure everyone understands their role and priorities.
- Assess workload/case volume and provide assistance when needed.
Your team is not functioning in a vacuum. They may experience many stressors that can decrease their sense of psychological safety, including concerns about personal health or the health of family and friends; childcare; school; and financial concerns, such as possible furloughs and unemployment. Helping them identify and address concerns will not only empower them, but will also make the team member and team more resilient!
Tannenbaum SI, Traylor AM, Thomas EJ, Salas E. “Managing Teamwork in the Face of Pandemic: Evidence-Based Tips.” BMJ Quality and Safety, May 29, 2020.
Yasgur, BS. “Seven Tips for Managing Healthcare Teamwork During a Pandemic.” MPR, May 17, 2020.