Browsing: CMSA Foundation

Association News

The CMSA Foundation: What’s In It For You?

The CMSA Foundation is a charitable, non-profit organization that aims to be the leading philanthropic organization dedicated to enhancing the practice of case management. The Foundation works relentlessly to raise money to fund case management research, practice improvement and public policy advocacy efforts. But how does that help you?

Association News

CMSA Foundation to Focus on Research and Process Improvement

The great work case managers demonstrate daily is often not recognized for its role in research and process improvement. Case managers are problem solvers, and every solution created is indeed an example of process improvement. Every solution monitored over time is research. Recently, the CMSA Foundation board of directors shifted…

Association News


The mission and vision of the CMSA Foundation are to elevate the practice of case management and case managers as they lead in improving health outcomes and quality of life for those we serve. The Foundation provides grants, research and process improvement funding for individuals and organizations to share evidence-based and best practices. This funding is supported only through donations and sponsorships.