CMSA Foundation to Focus on Research and Process Improvement


The great work case managers demonstrate daily is often not recognized for its role in research and process improvement. Case managers are problem solvers, and every solution created is indeed an example of process improvement. Every solution monitored over time is research.

Recently, the CMSA Foundation board of directors shifted their focus fully to advocating for case management research and process improvement and recognizing those excelling in these areas. The board is pleased to recognize innovation once again at this year’s annual Conference — Shelley O’Brien and Carol Hiner of Kaiser Permanente Washington will receive the Foundation’s Process Improvement Award.

The Foundation board recognizes that there are innovations resulting in success in your work, and they want you to share your success. Consider the excellent work you have accomplished recently and share it with your colleagues. It is highly likely that you have peers who have struggled with challenges much like your own. Sharing your success can impact the success of others.

The 2023-2024 CMSA Foundation board of directors will take the helm in July, and they are energized to continue to grow the impact of the Foundation. The board is examining how best to support case management research and will have exciting news to share soon. However, supporting process improvement and research does not come without cost – the Foundation needs your support. Please consider donating to the Foundation so that the work and recognition can continue to grow.

The most impactful way to support the Foundation is to become a recurring donor. For as little at $10 per month, you can help the Foundation provide help and support to further case management process improvement and research. Other ways to donate:

  • One-time donations
  • In memory or in honor of a loved one or peer
  • Legacy donations
  • Support fundraising campaigns

Recent fundraising campaigns included a raffle for dinner and a show during the 2023 CMSA Annual Conference, a partnership with Prestigious Jewelry and an online raffle for a 2024 CMSA Conference package.

The more funds raised, the more the Foundation can support you in your process improvement and research projects. The Foundation is “members supporting members.”

To learn more about the CMSA Foundation and programs that you can apply for and support, please visit


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