Are You Taking Full Advantage Of Your CMSA Membership?

We are Here for You

As the leading, oldest, and largest membership association for case management, CMSA provides members access to professional development and collaboration, practical resources and tools, and opportunities to influence public policy on issues vital to case managers practicing across the entire care continuum and at every level of practice – all to help you do your job better.

As with all memberships, what you get out of it is directly related to what you put in. Engaging is critical to fully realizing the value available, but CMSA works hard to make this as easy for you as possible. With many free or discounted benefits awaiting you as a member, it’s easier than ever to engage. Here are some highlights of membership and a sneak peek of what’s to come:

The number one benefit of membership in CMSA is by far the vast education offerings available. The CMSA Educational Resource Library hosts more than 100 complimentary continuing education courses online and accessible 24/7, each CE-eligible for RN, SW, and CCM®. A CDMS CE package and an ethics course bundle are also available right at your fingertips. These on-demand learning resources can assist in improving your patient engagement. Monthly webinars on current and relevant topics are offered each month. CMSA’s extremely popular Opioid Use Disorder Guide and Hospital Case Management White Paper are downloadable and free, as well as access to the popular CMSA Standards of Practice for Case Management. And don’t forget the member discount offered for the online Motivational Interviewing course!

Members should be on the lookout for the addition of the 2020 Conference sessions in the Educational Resource Library early in 2021, a new Resource Toolbox curated by the CMSA Education Committee, and the launch of a new case management tool, a Caseload Calculator. Company members will be invited to participate in this much-needed research to benefit the case management industry, and individuals and organizations will be better equipped to deliver patient-centered care and services. The Caseload Calculator will also serve as a risk management tool providing additional protection to organizations.

CMSA is here to support you professionally in many ways, and our Career Center is no exception. With more than 800 job listings and more than 50 employers, the Career Center is the premier electronic recruitment resource for the care management industry, including assistance with resume writing, career coaching, and reference checking. Whether you’re looking for a new job, or ready to take the next step in your career, we’ll help you find the opportunity that’s right for you. Visit

Community support and networking are vital to CMSA and the membership, with strong chapter partnerships, educational events and get-togethers, and the highlight of every year, the Annual Conference and Expo. Having just celebrated its 30th occurrence, the CMSA conference is THE place to network with your peers, learn from industry experts and a high-powered mix of diverse education sessions, earn CEs, and connect with companies that support and help to drive the case management profession forward. The 2021 Annual Conference & Expo – Staking Your Claim in the New World – is scheduled for June 8-11 in Orlando in a new hybrid format that will allow for both virtual and in-person participation.

CMSA is here to make a difference. Whether on Capitol Hill, representing your interests on issues affecting the care management profession and patient well-being, or offering the professional development you need to advance your career, CMSA is Case Management. Take full advantage of all membership has to offer by visiting


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