Browsing: mental health

Mental Health

Mental Health and Traumatic Brain Injuries: A Closer Look

BY LYNNE BECKER, MSPH, AND HANNAH BURGESS, MPH MENTAL HEALTH IN NUMBERS One in every 5 U.S adults experiences mental illness. One in every 20 U.S adults experiences serious mental illness. Nineteen percent of these individuals are managing anxiety disorders, and 8% of them are struggling with depression. However, in 2020, only…


Suicide Prevention in Teens and Children

BY DR. SUZANNE RYBCZYNSKI AND DR. CARMEN LOPEZ-ARVIZU On October 19, 2021, faced with the toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on an already strained pediatric mental health system, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the Children’s Hospital Association declared a “national emergency in children’s mental…

President's Message

Mental Health By Any Other Name Is…

BY MELANIE A. PRINCE, MSN, BSN, NE-BC, CCM, FAAN One’s first reaction after reading this title may be negative, but that is not the intention. The intention is to highlight the sometimes “clandestine” acceptance and reverence of mental healthcare in certain sectors of our society. Another intention is to share my…


Integrating Physical and Mental Social Determinants of Health

BY REBECCA PEREZ, MSN, RN, CCM Behavioral healthcare in the United States falls perilously short of being a functional, effective system. Mental health and substance use disorders (MH/SUD) are universally categorized as behavioral health disorders, and this label will be used throughout this article (Knutson, 2021). Currently, available services are underfunded,…

Human resources

Next Generation Employee Retention Strategies

BY BENJAMIN FOSTER, MBA In September 2021, over 90% of the healthcare organizations that Nurseify supports, which includes 821 of 908 hospitals, reported their highest year-over-year increase in nurse turnover and all-employee turnover in the last 10 years (Source: Client RN turnover and all employee turnover data). The Great Resignation is…

Policy Trends

Passion to Policy

BY SUSAN PLOUGH, MSN, PHCNS-BC, CCM The CARES Act contains a variety of aspects, all addressing the needs of people across the country dealing with the COVID pandemic. In terms of healthcare, it was written to support America’s healthcare system in the fight against the coronavirus and, though meant to be…


COVID and Case Management Before and After

BY PATTI GRADY, MSSL, RN, CCM, CCP, CMCN COVID has brought significant change to case management practice in Texas as well as the entire country. The first wave of COVID drove dramatic increases in COVID hospitalizations and increased utilization for those patients. Many healthcare systems struggled with bed capacity, equipment and…