President's Message

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

BY MELANIE A. PRINCE, MSN, BSN, NE-BC, CCM And these days, they are the loudest voices in the room…in the best of ways! “Daddy, can we go eat at the Door Dash restaurant instead of Door Dash man bringing our food to the house?” Uber Eats, Zoom Bomb, talking to grandma and grandpa…

CMSA Foundation

Value Proposition: Voice Of CMSA Members On Engagement And Retention

BY HUSSEIN M. TAHAN, PhD, RN, FAAN The livelihood of professional associations and societies, such as the Case Management Society of America (CMSA), depends on the society’s value proposition, commitment to its members and advancement of the related profession. These in turn contribute to the professional society’s continued growth in membership…

Pediatric Case Management

Childhood Obesity—An Epidemic In The United States

BY MICHELLE OSPINA, BS There is an insidious enemy on the rise, and while underlying issues are varied, there are strategies aimed at reducing the incidence of childhood obesity. According to the American Pediatric Association, the United States leads the world in cases of childhood obesity. Despite having one of the…

Pediatric Case Management

Child Trafficking Awareness And Prevention

BY JEANINE ZUKERMAN, RN, BSN INTRODUCTION It was the summer of 2018 when I was first introduced to the crime of human trafficking at our local CMSA meeting. During the CEU brunch, I was stunned to learn that human slavery proliferates in my Central Florida community and occurs in most small…

Pediatric Case Management

Cows And Kids: Improving Your Case Management Skills

BY KIMBERLY JUNGKIND, MPH, MBA, BSN, BA, RN, CCM Case management skills are all about effective communication with different populations of people: pediatric, adult, elderly. Some are better communicators and some may not be strong communicators. Have you ever tried to understand a baby’s needs or small child when they don’t…

Pediatric Case Management

Aging Up And Aging Out

Transition of Care From Pediatric to Adult Healthcare System: Advocating for the Medically Complex Adolescent BY AMY HENLEY, RN, BSN, MSN/ED, RNC-NIC There are many facets to nursing but none as all-encompassing as advocacy. We can have all the clinical knowledge and expertise in the world, yet if we do not…

Care Coordination

Transition Of Integrated Care Coordination In Specialty Clinic

BY LINDA VALLES-GUTIERREZ, DNP, FNP-BC, SAHLEE BALAJADIA, MSN-PH, RN-BC, WCC, AND LISA LOBDELL, MSN, RN, CCM The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is the largest integrated healthcare system in the United States. VHA provides care to over 9 million veterans in 1,255 healthcare facilities, including 170 VA Medical Centers and 1,074…

Association News


In February, CMSA members had the opportunity to elect the next leaders of our organization. Congratulations to these new board members, who will join the board formally, along with incoming president Melanie Prince, this summer! TREASURER: Pat Noonan DIRECTORS: Mark Evans Jenny Quigley-Stickney UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION TODAY If you…

Incoming President's Letter

A 3-C Community

BY MELANIE A. PRINCE, MSN, BSN, NE-BC, CCM Friends and colleagues, I am excited and grateful for the opportunity to lead an organization dedicated to the development and support of professional case management. As a member driven association, it is critically important to know the needs and priorities of members,…

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